hello darlinh

At hellodarlinh, I'd like to present you with my most authentic self. I'm wanting to share who I am, my interests, and my mistakes (lessons) that I've learned with you. If I'm lucky, you'll want to learn and grow with me too!

I think life is better when we have someone who we can relate to, and we can feel like we can belong. That's always been my motto since I was little because I grew up feeling pretty isolated as an immigrant to a new country. It's a big part of what makes me want to always foster a caring place for all - and that extends to the internet sphere of reality. 

I hope you enjoy your time here. 🙂


Hello friends, so excited that you're here.

For starters - the site is called hellodarlinh because my name has "Linh" in it - but you can just call me ML.

While this is a little terrifying, I'm really excited to work through my fears and anxiety and be open and honest with you about different facets of my life. To begin, I'd like to post a little about my financial journey, maybe some poems, and even introduce you to a new baby of mine. (Not a human baby - I'm not ready for that yet.)

My goal is to build a little community that I can share my lessons with, who can grow with me, and I'm happy to help others along the way.

Be warned - this will be a little scuffed for a little while as I learn how to navigate this new medium. I promise I'm constantly learning and trying to do better.

I'm excited to see you around, friend. 🙂


MORE about me

Just some basic facts in case you're curious

i like to sing - even if it's badly

Honestly, you definitely don't need to be good at something to enjoy it. I don't plan on hitting the road anytime as a musician. 🙂

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not sure if i'm a morning or night person

I just like coffee. Not even real coffee - the kind with lots of syrups in it.

It's my right to wake up early and stay up late. Coffee helps.

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i went to school for a psychology degree

Like a lot of my peers who also went to school for a psych degree - I am unfortunately no longer working in the field.

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i am very passionate about organizing for social impact

I find a lot of my fulfillment through getting involved. I spent a few years getting involved locally and was even a delegate for two elections! 

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